Simplify Global HR

We recruit worldwide talent, hire them on your behalf, consolidate payroll & compliance, and provide stellar onboarding support.
All you see is one fixed monthly invoice.


Andreea Poenaru
Paula Columbu
Sergiu Poenaru
Iulia Fica

"StickerYou has been able to expand and diversify both our employee experience and business strategy with the help of HKR […] Their legal, financial and administrative team give us confidence that we are in good hands when navigating global hiring and management."

"We built TeePublic from idea to 9 figures in revenue without venture money and we did it profitably for 10 years straight. Our secret weapon in scaling and reducing costs: HKR."

"[...] I was initially hesitant about outsourcing the role of an SDR [...] But HKR completely exceeded my expectations. I appreciate their flexibility, allowing me to start with just one full-time representative and no contract lock-ins. We're at 3 full-time reps now and looking to expand with other roles as well."

"Truly excellent team, service and overall partner."

"HKR has a way of bringing in talent that has been a value-add…. [they’re] dedicated to providing good service by looking at the metrics and they do not hesitate to take feedback, adjust, and improve. It is rare to find vendors that are data-oriented and constantly pushing to improve."

I don't know how we could have scaled without HKR. We were about 10 people when we started working together. This last holiday season, we had a total team of 122 people.  We were not in a position in the United States to scale anything close to that.

When you talk to investors about potentially raising capital, a key part of that is our Sales Development team. Knowing that we have HKR makes that really easy for us, both from a cost basis perspective, but also from a time investment perspective.

I would take an HKR rep over a US rep in this position (sales) more times than not, because I have seen them be so successful, and at the price point that they are we can scale our team much quicker at a more cost-effective way.

  • Cosmin

    Elliott Harrell
    Director of Merch & Affiliate, TeePublic


Predictable Payroll

Consolidate your global workforce into one monthly invoice

  • Global: Pay 150+ countries

    Quickly pay your team in 150 countries across the globe.

  • Save time

    Process one payment across your entire global workforce.

  • unmatched support

    Dedicated HKR Account Manager to assist with payroll adjustments, PTO, and employee transitions.

Best-in-Class Talent

Empower your growth with tailored recruiting solutions

  • Custom recruiting

    HKR will collaborate with you to custom build your global team. We'll source, screen, interview and present you with top talent; any role, any country.

    We are your Global Recruitment Partner.

  • Save Money

    We help businesses find the best talent at the best price. Our commitment is to save you money without compromising on skill.

  • Global expertise

    We've hired employees in nearly every role in countries around the globe. We'll advise you on where talent is rich and what you can expect to pay, helping you determine which region is best for your needs.

Tax & Compliance

We engage into employment contracts with your workforce, protecting you from international tax & compliance risk

  • liability protection

    Through direct agreements with your global talent, HKR ensures solid tax compliance across 150+ countries.

  • Save yourself...

    Misclassifying a global employee can result in fines and lawsuits and international audits.

    We'll keep you safe.

  • Tax Compliance

    We handle Double Tax Treaties (DTT) and Withholding Tax (WHT) with precision, showcasing a true commitment to protecting your financial interests globally.

Team meeting

Enabling global remote teams before #remote was even cool.

  • Scale Globally

    You've probably gone remote, now go global. HKR can hire best-in-class talent in more than 150+ countries.

  • Dedicated Teams 1:1

    We build dedicated remote teams. They live in your Slack and your Google Workspace. Probably wear the same company t-shirt too.

  • Vetted By You

    We work with you to find the right people, and make sure they're a fit. You get to vet your talent and ensure the match is right.

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Adam Schwartz
Co-Founder, TeePublic

"We built TeePublic from idea to 9 figures in revenue without venture money and we did it profitably for 10 years straight. Our secret weapon in scaling and reducing costs: HKR."